
Monday, November 3, 2008

Stomach-Churning Evil

The Congo, home to the world's worst killing fields since WWII, is at it again. And the rest of the world tut-tuts but can't really be bothered. The story of the mass slaughters and genocides of Africa these past few decades demonstrate, to my mind, how greatly Hobbes is still very relevant. You need to be strong, rich and powerful in this world. It also underlines the dismal failure, and indeed moral depravity, of the political camp that pretends to care about the weak and the down trodden: they can't be bothered, they're busy with other matters.

And then you have this. A father of a young girl went to the authorities to report that three men (identified men, apparently) had raped his daughter. The authorities accused her of adultery and brutally murdered her, in a prolonged celebration of sadism. The murder was committed in a stadium full of spectators. This happened in Somalia, where the ugliest form of Islam meets the world's weakest nations: Africa.


  1. Don't worry about the Congo! In according to the newest Israel demonization project on the Guardian CIF by Victoria Brittain the situation in Gaza is much more critical due to the Israeli war crimes. The outpouring of hate of Israel and the Israelis by the author and and the posts supporting her views would make the most vicious anti-Semites envious. "The political camp that pretends to care about the weak and the down trodden: they can't be bothered, they're busy with other matters." Yes, they are busy with Jew baiting as usual in UK left circles.

  2. The Guardian also reports on the Congo, and I think you'll find it is a topic of discussion for leftists.

    By the way, the BNP supported Israel in 2006.

  3. Of course the Guardian and other leftists discuss. That's the tut-tutting part. How about we see a million-strong demonstration in London demanding that the rich and powerful nations of the world stop the genocides (plural) of Africa, and use every possible tool at their disposal including force so as to put an end to that abominable strain of Islam. Or perhaps a demonstration of 10,000 people? 150? Of course, it wouldn't save any African lives, those mass demonstrations, but at least it would save the souls of the demonstrators.

  4. That's another thing about leftists, especially socialists, we tend to see the rich and powerful as responsible (or at least a factor) for all the genocides in the world, and asking them for help isn't going to do much good. If you follow the US TV and newspapers, you'll see the Iraqi civil war as some kind of parallel conflict that the American troops are trying to stop. It never occurs to the corporate media that we might be playing an active role in the killing by backing the Iraqi govt. and various militias. And the vice president's company doing business in the occupied country? Forget that, the surge is working!

    I think we've seen in the last couple of centuries what to expect from the western powers in Africa and Asia. If anything, the solution is to destroy the ruling class here at home so they can't ruin those continents anymore.

  5. Spoken like a true Bolshie, Andrew. I dislike your writing anonymously, and I don't know why I'm even talking to you, but I'll hazard a guess that you're a red-diaper Jewish fellow whose forefathers came to the East End of London to escape the truly despicable folks back in Eastern Europe, and four generations later you still can't see that the capitalist rich and powerful, while being horrendous, have generally been less so than all the other folks.

    Anyway, I don't care who you want to feel nasty about: the question is what you and your ilk can do, or even feebly try to do, to stop the genocides in Africa and get rid of those Islamist abominations. Nothing? Well, isn't it at least worth aiming for the appearance of trying?

  6. Yes andrew r. All of your ramblings I learned in school even took exams in the subject in Hungary under the socialist dictatorship of your comrades.

    But anyway how all of this explains the lack of any actions by the radical left in the UK? Maybe as others said here they are busy to demonstarate with Hezb'allah fascists on the Trafalgar square?

  7. Nothing? Well, isn't it at least worth aiming for the appearance of trying?

    For a start, we can identify everything we own with coltan, smash it, then take care not to buy it again.


    Well, you're supposed to feel helpless. But "Stomach-Churning Evil" is not knew to the scene.

    Remind yourselves: The Catholic Church burned people at the stake! And, they did this by saying they were "against Evil."

    Heck, you couldn't even point out that many priests, forbidden marriage; and an access to normal lives, buggered little boys.

    All of this gets done when the populace feels helpless.

    But it comes to pass.

    So that today you could be taught that Tyndale, for instance, died at the stake. Why? He dared print a copy of the bible; so that an emerging middle class could buy this book. And, read it for themselves. The purpose of killing Tyndale was an attempt to scare "believers" into believing the Church was "all powerful."

    And, ya know what? The power faded.

    Sure. You still have the fancy garments. And, the pomp with the circumstance. But future generations will find ways to deal with the horrors. It's not a "win-win" program for future use.

    What makes it so sad, now? Where are the poets in those crowds? Where are the artists? Where's freedom? Doesn't mean it won't come knocking.

    "Spectators" ... Just another word for "whimps." They'll stay cowed for awhile.

    Here, of course, the pressure comes from the "outside." But what can we do? The day these wrongs are righted? Can take centuries. Or? Can blow up within decades. But as a "holy movement" Islam is lacking good judgement. And, then? It's only a matter of time.

    Sure. The Catholic Church had a very long run. Don't get impressed over this, though.

    As to Africa, as the Saud's realize their pool of oil can run dry ... They're heading into Africa for its resources. And, this is how they "cow a populace" into accepting their terror. In the name of their kakamamie religion, of course.

    Wait! Tables turn! You don't think so? Well, go ask Moussolini how he ended up. Naked. And, upside-down. By a rope.

    See? If among the arabs there were story-tellers and artists; you'd see the affects. Since you don't? Too many of them marry cousins.

  9. you still can't see that the capitalist rich and powerful, while being horrendous, have generally been less so than all the other folks.

    Dr. Lozowick, does this calculus include I.G. Farben and IBM (Missed this part earlier for some reason)?
