
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BDS Seeks New Frontiers

What with all their failures of recent weeks (and years), the Boycott&Divestment gang is seeking new campuses to poison. Some of the locals at Stanford, however, are trying to launch a preemptive counter campaign, the sneaks.


  1. I can only assume there's not many business graduates in the BDS movement. I'd wager that in most every western country there are vastly more supporters of Israel than there are (currently) buyers of Israeli goods. The more publicity the BDS gets the more likely those supporters are to hunt out and buy Israeli produce. If I was looking for a sound business proposal I'd start up an Israel shop... promote the protesters as a freak show & give away T-shirts. Could have a lot of fun sticking it to the protesters and make a decent dollar with it.

    Cheers, Gavin

  2. Gavin
    Kaufhof a have everything warehouse with lauded food departments located in big cities had an Israel week as of August 8, 2007 (seven) - I remember there was brouhaha by different factions and the event was in danger of getting cancelled. But it went through and can't have been much of a success as I've never read anything of a repeat - on the other hand these types of warehouses are doing very very badly in Germany and so that may be the real reason.

    The event prompted me though to write gushing e-mails to the marketing departments of food-chains whenever I find some Israel produce there. I won't depress you by telling you how rarely I have to do that.

  3. completely OT

    in Niall Ferguson's "the Ascent of Money" (a lousy book imho) says on page 80 about the Rothschilds that they wrote their stuff in "Judendeutsch" and explains: German transliterated into Hebrew characters.
    Google's first results tell me that Judendeutsch is synonym to Yiddish, period, but Ferguson's explanation seems to suggest that they used German as their lingua franca and Hebrew letters as protection against hackers. (I once read a book on Yiddish but to the best of my memory there the author was only into proving that it was more than a dialect)


  4. Come to think of it that is another "success" the Israeli Israel bashers may write down in their book is this:

    - would they work at making Israel beloved in my country through the channels I believe they have, Israeli products could be sold galore which means more products could be made which means jobs would be created and/or secured. So in a not very round-about way they are increasing the plight of the unemployed i.e. the plight of their neighbours.


  5. The Arabs have chosen the boycott as their weapon to strangle the Jews and thwart Zionism since the 1930s. Its been a spectacular failure on all counts. But rather than acknowledge they are only harming themselves instead of Israel, they continue with pressure in the hope that it will one day get Israel to yield. Good luck with BDS making it happen.

  6. Those guys don't have anything else to do? Don't they study, teach or something?

    What remains of universities these days?

  7. Sergio
    in the 70s they were so stupid as to try to "teach" us working folks that we should stop working
    - no matter how often we told them that our taxes paid for their universities the next day they had it forgotten and tried to enlighten us again

    - it convinced me that there was something wrong at least temporarily with the way their grey matter operates

    (I am talking about the temps trying to make a buck in offices during breaks)

  8. Silke,

    How old are you? <--- !!!JOKE ALERT!!!



  9. Sergio
    I imitate the little Prince who never gave up on a question once he had asked it but also never answered one when it didn't suit him ;-)))))))
    If I weren't afraid that Didi is lurking somewhere I'd of course be happy to tell you down to the second

  10. Silke: I've read (I believe in a book entitled "Gold and Iron," about Bismarck's Jewish banker Bleichroeder) that the Rothschilds used Judendeutsch as well, but it did appear to be just German written in Hebrew characters to avoid the Prussian censors who read the mail.

    But given how much of Yiddish is German, there's functionally very little difference between written Yiddish and Judendeutsch.

  11. thanks Brian
    Victor says that the Rabbi he posts videos of is talking Yiddish plus some Hebrew.
    - I get as little from him as I get from the older locals around where I live who speak what is nowadays called Platt and regarded as little better than any ol' dialect, but which in reality is a version/left-over from Niederdeutsch which was the lingua franca around the Baltic sea up to Nowgorod during the days of the Hanse but by now is differing very much from one area of Northern Germany to the next, it seems without books a language falls apart. Maybe Yiddish who gave us so many colourful words has at some time had contact with Niederdeutsch

    But what a neat and efficient trick of using Hebrew characters to outwit the censors - I guessed right away that that was the reason for it. And thanks for the book tip.

