Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Daf Yomi Down Under

In an hour or two I'll be off for a spot of travel down to Australia. The other day I asked a friend in Melbourne (my first and longest stop) if there might, perchance, be any Daf Yomi shiurs in the area. In response he sent me a link to this website, which tells of no fewer than 18 Daf Yomi groups, in Melbourne alone - a town with something like 40,000 Jews of all stripes and flavours. Pretty impressive, if you ask me. So I'll go by and have a peek, perhaps.

This thread, I remind you, began here.

Oh, and by the way: Australia is a rather long walk from here, and it includes some water I'm going to have to figure out how to cross, so blogging may be a bit light for a while.


Anonymous said...


Ya'acov, have a wonderful trip.

And, where elsastic sox! And, walk around. Hopefully, with Jews on the plane, you'll be standing up to daven.

Such benefits, the standing up part gives ya.

By the way, I went to the link you gave, and then clicked on a picture. Do the young men go at an earlier hour?

Enjoy Australia! And, if you care to see the Pacific Ocean from California, let me know.

Anonymous said...


WEAR. Not "where" ... As in wearing elastic sox helps with blood circulation, when you're sitting much too long in one chair.