Anyway, at one point I read a small pile of books about Jerusalem, but never got around to posting about them. So here goes.
The most famous book about Jerusalem is of course the Bible (both the Jewish and the Christian versions). A couple lightyears behind however, probably the best known book of the past half century is O Jerusalem
James Carroll's Jerusalem, Jerusalem: How the Ancient City Ignited Our Modern World
One interesting tidbit I'd never noticed before reading Carroll's book is that England's almost-national-anthem is a song called Jerusalem, sung at events such as this:
Which must go a way towards explaining the complexes of all those English intellectual types who so detest Israel. There is no way that people who grow up with that song can then regard today's Jewish presence in Jerusalem with the indifference they have towards, say, the Rohingya (Google it).
This evidentially apllies also to Karen Armstrong, another lapsed Catholic clergyperson (an English nun, in her case), and author of Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
I also must say that 18 months after having read her book,very little of it remains fresh in my mind. A weakness of mine, I suppose.
Simon Sebag Montefiore's Jerusalem - The Biography
Back in March 2011 I once counted all the times Jerusalem was conquered, according to Sebag, and reached 60 or 61. I doubt Rome can hold a candle to that. Damascus, perhaps.
One overarching impression the book left me with was the sheer weight of time. Jerusalem was old when Babylonians Egyptians and Persians used to swap it back and forth. When the Helenic Greeks were having a spot of bother with it, it was ancient, probably older than Paris and London are now. The Romans obliberated it a couple of times before disappearing under the sands of time. The Byzantines permanently formed it into a Christian city, and it stayed that way for centuries (Armstrong makes the point that it remained mostly Christian for a few centuries after the Muslim conquest). That permanence, however, though it lasted far far beyond human memory, turned out not to be very permanent after all, as didn't what replaced it, and what replaced it, and it. The contemporary conceit that there is an end to history, and that we need to make one more effort and create one more reality in Jerusalem, and then it will remain "fixed" forever is merely that. A conceit.
Another point that Sebag-Montefiore makes without ever mentioning is that there's no justice. History washes back and forth, and either might makes right, or right is irrelevant and might prevails. As a Jew and a Zionist I can see the profundity of renewed Jewish control of the city, just as I can see why this control angers Mslims and Palestinians; and I can choose to rejoice in the Jewish return while hoping for better services and quality of life for the Palestinians; but it doesn't make any sense to think we're in some final chapter. Life will go on, and if in 500 years, or better, 1,000, Jerusalem will still be the capital of Israel, well, that will be a fine thing but it still won't be the end of the story. Anyway, I doubt I'll be around to see it.
At the very end of his book, starting at page 517, Sebag Montefiore veers away from history, and sums it all up through the story of the men of various religions who start each day before the crack of dawn, at 4 or 4:30 AM, each with their respective ritual. Each ritual has been going on for centuries, and each of them relates to the religious identity of the city they live in, and somehow they all live here together. It's a powerful, and beautiful, description.
Hi Yaacov,
Do you have an opinion on Bernard Wasserstein's "Divided Jerusalem?"
Also, I read an interesting work a couple of years ago. It was called "Jerusalem in History," and edited by K. J. Asali. Its biases were obvious, and upfront -- and even articulated as a methodology by rashid khalidi in the foreword-- but it did make a few salient points that should be incorporated into any complete history of Jerusalem. It was a collection of essays on the archaeology and history of the city, starting from a couple millennia before the Davidic kingdom and ending near the present. I found the early chapters thus to fill a gap (however inadequately) left by zionist histories which tend to ignore that which precedes Jewish history.
Hi Alex,
No,no pinon,since I haven't yet read any of your list. Thanks forthe tis, tho. I shall, by and by.
Yaacov -
Do you, or anyone, have a recommendation for a resource describing the governance in the 19th century of the Ottoman provinces that became the State of Israel?
Specifically, I want to know who provided the police, courts, planned and maintained roads, provided services for cities, permitted buildings, etc. What was the role of all these foreign consulates? Why were so many foreign nationals living there? When Mehmet Ali conquered the area, what did that mean in terms of local distribution of services? Who was responsible for enforcing the Tanzim reforms?
I realize the technology of the 19th century did not require governments to have the kinds of regulatory role they have in our day. But still, I would think there was some form of enforcement of law and order and the structure of civil society. I have never been able to get a clear picture in my mind of how life was organized.
Does such a book or article exist?
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