Baroud's book is not particularly well written, as, say, Raja Shehadeh's is. Yet it is interesting and I'm glad I read it. I discerned three major levels in it, the personal, the historical and the political.
The personal is the poignant story of the author's father, Mohammed Baroud, along with lesser strands about his grandfather and his mother, all of whom were born in the town of Beit Daras before 1948, and all of whom eventually died in the Nuseirat camp in the Gaza strip. One can - indeed, should - be careful when telling the story of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, even when inevitably taking sides, but Israelis should be able to accept that the personal stories of Palestinian individuals whose lives were harshly changed by the events of 1948 are tales of woe, misfortune and yearning for an earlier time. Was there a river that flowed near Beit Daras in whose pools Muhammad swam "endlessly" as a boy? Of course not. Were the battles of 1948 which emptied the town naked Israeli aggression with the gunning down of large numbers of women and children? No, and no. Were the ensuing decades of misery in Gaza the inevitable result of intentional Israeli policies? Of course not. Yet for all the disagreements about simple facts and complex interpretations, the fundamental outlines of the personal story are true, and tragic. His grandparents and parents were uprooted from their ancestral home, and life never went back to being normal for them. Many many millions of people in Europe and Asia were likewise uprooted in the 1940s, including Jews, and some built new lives and others didn't, but the general shouldn't hide the specific; we as Israelis can afford to accept that the lives of many Palestinians were ruined by their conflict with us, especially in the 1940s.
We can also accept that life for Palestinians during the 1st Intifada was most unpleasant, and their interactions with the IDF often extremely negative. Why this was so is a different question, but that it was so, seems to me beyond argument.
The historical level of Baroud's book is, simply, silly. His depiction of Israel and Israelis lacks any factual plausibility; his repeated claim that Israel succeeds at what it does because of American interventions is odd given that he has chosen to make his own life in America (Seattle, apparently). His chronology is often manipulative; one example among many is when he tells of Netanyahu's electoral victory in 1996 first, and then only recounting the fact that Hamas was blowing up Israeli citizens by the dozens a few pages later, so the ignorant reader can't see any possible connection. He often confuses his chronology in such a way, to the extent it's hard to maintain that he's merely confused. His footnotes (as an archivist I often take note of footnotes) are abysmal as historical sources. Even his over-arching thesis - that his father was a freedom fighter - is true only in a metaphorical way, in that his father despised Israel all his life, even as his best commercial enterprises seem to have been conducted with Israelis. His treatment of the history of Palestinians as subjects of history, as actors rather than passive objects, is extremely confused at its best, and disingenuous as a general rule. Which brings us to the third level of the book, the political.
The politics of the book are probably their most valuable, and focus mostly on the period since the beginning of the Oslo process in 1993 until the present (the book was published in 2010). This is the section diplomats, pundits, journalists and observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict need to read. The way Baroud sees it, and he presents his position as being mainstream and representative, the entire Oslo process was a conspiracy to harm the Palestinians; it was a machination by Israel, America, and a corrupt PLO leadership to screw the Palestinians, prevent their attaining their rights, and defeat their honorable struggle. True, his appraisal of Yasser Arafat is complex, but his disdain for the rest of the PA leadership is palpable. At one point, speaking of his father, he makes it very clear that the only possible just outcome of any peaceful resolution of the conflict must of course include his return to Beit Daras. Any Palestinian political leadership which accepts anything less than that is illegitimate, and probably made up of lackeys of Israel and America.
I'm on record as having accepted the need for Palestinian independence alongside Israel since the 1970s. There's nothing in this book to suggest there's a significant group of Palestinians who agree with me, while there is much in it to suggest that Palestinian figures who negotiate with Israelis lack legitimacy among their own people. It's one book, by one man, and there may be other voices among the Palestinians, but it's no less depressing for all that.
Thank you, Yaacov, for your insights.
So sad. A victim of leadership lacking vision.
"...lacking vision."
According to you (and everyone who "bought" Oslo and---somehow---continues to "buy" it).
However, if one is to be honest, one must (as in MUST) agree that the Palestinian leadership---along with most Palestinians---DO HAVE VISION:
a vision of the Middle East without Israel.
Now, that might not be YOUR vision; but to insist that they do not have vision is to keep on believing the same old, if only, if only, if only, if only,....
File under: Peace, Justice, Truth, Vision
Barry -
Your comment is both rude and unhelpful.
The fundamental theorem of Western Liberal Democracy is that government should be of, by and for the people.
The responsibility of leadership, i.e. their vision, should be how to accomplish the most good for the most people with available resources. That has been the discourses of America and Israel, and I assume the other successful countries of the world. For whatever criticisms one has of America, Israel or the West, it cannot be denied they have done a pretty good job providing for the general well-being of their populations and made positive contributions to humankind. They also acknowledge the work is not completed. That is the vision of leadership, and it is what the "cousins" lack.
Arab leadership in general, and Palestinian leadership in particular, - and I say this going back to Ottoman times - has been only interested in staying in power and self-enrichment. If promoting hatred, war and murder is a means to that end, then so be it.
And, yeah, that is sad. Not just because of the needless hardships and suffering it has imposed upon Arabs, but also, obviously, because of the loss of life and expenditure of resources it has required of Israel. In spite of this, Israel has thrived; the Arabs have not.
None of this had to be this way, were it not for the greed of a few privileged families. That is tragic.
Until there will be a Palestinian leadership with a concrete vision for how to improve their lives, people like Baroud will continue to wallow in their "victimhood," maintaining a narrative of their helplessness.
I'm sure you mean well.
But you sure don't seem to respect them very much.
At least I don't go around accusing them of having No Vision....(just because their brand of Vision isn't yours).
The point was not having a vision, Barry. I am sure lots of groups and people have visions. A lot of them are neither commendable or positive. A Middle East without Israel is nothing short of evil, and may be one of the reasons why the peace process on the Israeli side is rather reluctant.
Haters hate the truth and Palis are great haters
Not only do the Palestinians have Vision. They are also extremely principled.
Oh, apologies for being "rude" unhelpful".
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