Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More on the Mossad's Preturnatural Capabilities

Last month the Mossad used sharks to attack the Egyptian tourist industry. This week it was disclosed that they've trained vultures to smuggle alcohol into Suadi Arabia and destroy Arab virtue. Or something like that.
Residents and local reporters told Saudi Arabia's Al-Weeam newspaper that the Israeli bird seemed as though it could be a 'Zionist plot.'


Silke said...

Commenter heplev bei Letters from Rungholt has the first authentic picture of the bird:


heplev said...

Here's the complete Zionist Attack Zoo as far as I was able to find the guys:

NormanF said...

Between pigs, sharks and vultures, every one seems to have noticed the Jews deploy non-kosher beasts to wreak havoc.

Wow... and no one seems to have thought for a moment just how absurd that is. For those addicted to conspiracy theories, lies and faulty logic literally take on a life of their own.

Avigdor said...

Let's play: what animal will Israel deploy against the Arabs next? You have to specify a context, such as, mossad-directed swarms of radioactive locust that will both unseasonably destroy crops and irradiate innocent Arab children.

Anonymous said...

Silke - thanks! I got a good laugh out of that!

peterthehungarian said...

I'm not so sure that the accused vulture is not connected to the Mossad. Please take a look at its beak...Very suspicious...

Silke said...

yeah I noticed that too and then there is the monocle in the left eye, is he/she trying to pass him/herself of as a Brit?

one Brit once upon a time contemplated pigeons with Anthrax - the establishment was amused
During the Cold War a Wing Commander in Britain's 'Pigeon Committee' forwarded a paper suggesting anthrax carrying pigeons should be released against the Russians in the event of hostilities - it was laughed out of committee by MI5 who described the author as a 'menace to pigeon affairs'.

sadly the link doesn't work ...

Empress Trudy said...

I would have used a kosher chicken.

Bryan said...

But using a kosher chicken is a waste of food! The Je... the Zionists, I mean, would never waste food. They're wily like that.

Y. Ben-David said...

People in the West laugh about these "obviously ridiculous" reports, but they fall on fertile ground in the Arab world which is full of conspiracy theories. This is a big reason that that Arab world has fallen so far behind Israel and the West, they have a difficult time confronting reality.
People like Tom Friedman who claim the Arab's problems are due to lack of education, or unresponsive institutions or tightly controlled "socialist" economies are missing the mark. It is the very mindset and social structure (clan feuds, jealousies, oligarchy) that are the problem and this is what must be changed. How do you do that?