Here and in the the posts below are comments about the books I've read since then. Feel free to tell me about important books I"m missing!
The single most important and rewarding read of the year has been... the Bible. Last year I completed one complete 7.5-year round of Daf Yomi, and decided to dedicate the daily time slot to other traditional Jewish stuff. I read Menachem Elon's magisterial "Jewish Law" and reviewed it here, Then I read volumes 1,2 & 3 of Rav Benny Lau's "Sages" series (here's the 1st volume in English
). Lau writes a light and entertaining introduction to the men (and rare women) who created the Talmud. I don't know how the English translations are; the Hebrew original is informative but not deeply scholarly. Elon and Lau, to mention the two scholars cited in this paragraph, are not similar. Elon is a serious slow read, but richly rewarding. Lau is a quick read, full of interesting anecdotes and sketches of the sages, but not deep.
Having spent time reading "about", I turned back to reading an original source - and nothing is more original than the Bible. So far I've read Judges, the 1st Book of Samuel, and the first quarter of the 2nd Book of Samuel. I'm using the Daat Mikra interpretation, which is a combination of modern and also a compendium of the main traditional interpretations. I aim to do a chapter each day - sometime this works, sometimes it's too much - which means a quick read of the entire chapter, then a careful, sentence by sentence, study of the text.
I've read this part of the Bible repeatedly in the past, but this is the first time since high school where I've studied it, and the first time ever that I've done so on my own volition, simply to learn. It is, how to put this, as rewarding as can be. The Hebrew is so packed and powerful; so many everyday word combinations turn out to be Biblical; there is so much in there. Fortunately there are lots of books left (30 of them), so I'll be busy at this great task for a while, I hope.
OK, so that's the top of the list.
Then there are books I ran past and will merely mention here. Greame Simson's The Rosie Project: A Novel
Gary Shteyngart''s Little Failure: A Memoir
Daniel Gordis' Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel's Soul
I read Haim Be'er's newest novel, Their New Dreams
Then there are the books I reviewed in separate posts, below:
Kate Atkinson in Life After Life: A Novel
Thomas Carlyle wrote one book twice, and the result is the astonishing The French Revolution: A History
And finally, I read all four volumes of Robert Caro's simply magnificent biography of Lyndon Johnson, which I will review when I find the time. Don't wait for me to do so, however, by any means: go and read them! Now! Robert A. Caro's The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power; Means of Ascent; Master of the Senate; The Passage of Power
When you say you were reading the Bible, how close is the Torah to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible ? Has much been lost in translation ?
I can't say how much has been ost in translation. I expect, much, tho more in some translations than in others. WHat I can say is that reading in the original is a rich and highly rewardable experience. and, thousands of years later, the original Habrew is often more powerful than modern Hebrew, unless the modern is simply using the ancient.
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